Hawkers' Development Programme

Hawkers' Development Programme

Hawkers' Development Programme


For course enquiries, please contact Kenny at 64173041 or kenny_yu@aci.edu.sg.


The Hawkers' Development Programme (HDP) is an initiative by National Environmental Agency (NEA) and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) to equip aspiring hawkers with the fundamental entrepreneurship skills and foundational culinary skills to embark on their Hawkerpreneurial journey.

In this programme, candidates will graduate with a "Core Hawker Entrepreneurship Fundamentals" certificate from ACI, after stage 1. The entire programme involves three stages:

Stage 1, 5-day TRAINING AT ACI

Stage 1 training titled "Core Hawker Entrepreneurship Fundamentals" involves 5 days of training at ACI (9am to 6pm) and covers the following 2 modules:

- Hawker Business Fundamentals, 2-day module
- Hawker Culinary Fundamentals, 3-day module

Stage 2, 8-week APPRENTICE

Trainee will undergo 8 weeks of apprenticeship at a Hawker Mentor’s stall.  Trainee will learn skills of running a hawker business. This stage is available only to Trainees who sign up for the full HDP (stage 1, 2 and 3).

The Hawker Mentor will guide the Trainee to prepare for Stage 3 - preparation of a commercially viable hawker dish or dishes and business plan for eventual business, through either:
(i) NEA Hawker Stall Tender Scheme followed by
(ii) NEA Incubation Stall Programme.

Stage 3, 12-week START OF BUSINESS

At this stage, Trainee will start their business at their own hawker stall. For the first 12 weeks during this stage, Hawker Mentor will maintain regular communication with the trainee, checking in and advising on areas of improvement, to help Trainee transit seamlessly into a steady state of viable business operations.

Stalls sourced through NEA's Incubation Stall Programme will enjoy rental rebate of up to 40% for 15 months and the stall is pre-fitted with basic fixtures and equipment. Stalls sourced through NEA Hawker Stall Tender Scheme does not enjoy rebate or pre-fitting.

This stage is available only to Trainees who sign up for the full HDP (stages 1, 2, and 3)

Training Allowance

Trainees who commit to ALL 3 stages spelt out above are eligible for Training Allowance of up to $50 per training day in Stage 1, up to $1,000 per training month in Stage 2 & 3*.

Training Allowance for stage 1 & 2 will be disbursed only after stage 2 is completed, and all logbooks are duly signed and submitted to NEA.

Training Allowance for stage 3 will be disbursed only after stage 3 is completed, and logbooks are duly signed and submitted to NEA.

*Terms and conditions applies*

If you have further queries on the Hawkers Development Programme:

NEA Contact Details
Please email NEA at hdp@nea.gov.sg or contact 1800-2255-632 (1800-CALL-NEA). Visit NEA website at www.nea.gov.sg/programmes-grants/hdp.

ACI Contact Details
Please email info@aci.edu.sg or contact 6417-3318.

At the end of Hawker Business Fundamentals 2-day module, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the key features and characteristics of being a Hawker in Singapore
  • Define the Unique Selling Point (USP) of the food items
  • Understand basic financial concepts - Revenues, Expenses, Profits & Loss
  • Understand customer profile to modify food taste to local clientele
  • Build loyalty and retain customers for long-term sustainability
  • Acquire new customers through both traditional and digital platforms
  • Learn the essential digital Apps, including e-Payments and marketing tactics via practical hands-on session (e.g. e-NETS, SGQR, Google Street View, Grab Food, Deliveroo, Food Panda, etc.)
  • Learn to set prices for revenue maximisation
  • Get familiar with available government funding schemes
  • Write a simple Business Plan


At the end of Hawker Culinary Fundamentals 3-day module, learners will be able to apply various cooking techniques to create these hawker dishes from scratch:

  • Basic Rempah (Chili Paste / Sambal Chili Belacan)
  • A full Nasi Lemak Meal (Basmati Rice, Fried Chicken Wing, Fried Fish, Ikan Bilis with peanuts and Cucumber)
  • A full Hainanese Chicken Rice meal (fluffly fragrant rice, juicy poached chicken with chicken stock/soup, spicy chili and pungent ginger)
  • Char Kway Teow
  • Fried Hokkien Mee

* You must have a valid Food Safety Course Level 1 Certificate (valid for 5 years) before you are allowed to proceed to Stage 2 of this Programme.


One intake every three months. Upcoming intakes for 2024:

MonthCourse DatesRegistration Start Date 

19 to 23 February 2024

9 December 2023Register Your Interest Now
May13 to 17 May 202425 March 2024Register Your Interest Now
Aug12 to 16th Aug25 June 2024Register Your Interest Now

Class confirmation is subject to sufficient Trainee sign-ups for the intake, and after payment is made.

 Payments made ON / AFTER 1 January 2024, GST charged at 9%
2024年1月1号起付费,消费税 9%:
S’porean & PR
Programme Fee
Less 70% SSG Subsidy
SSG 70% 补贴
Nett Course Fee
GST rate
Add GST charge
Payable Course Fees
For S'poreans aged 40 & above
Additional 20% MCES subsidy of Programme Fee
额外20% MCES补贴
Payable Course Fees
Payment accepted via 可通过以下方式付款支付学费:
- SkillsFuture Credits (SFC), for Singaporeans aged 25 and above 未来技能培训补助金 (新加坡公民25岁以上)
- eNETS (e-payment)
- Credit card (e-payment);
- Debit card (e-payment);
- PayNow (e-payment);
- Bank Transfer.

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Subsidy


  • Enjoy 70% SSG subsidy for all Singaporeans and PRs aged 21 and above


Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES) Subsidy 


  • Eligible for Singaporeans aged 40 years old and above


  • Enjoy 90% SSG subsidy

    享有90% SSG津贴

SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)

未来技能培训补助 (SFC)

  • For Self-Sponsored Individuals only 


  • All Singaporeans aged 25 and above will receive an opening credit of S$500 from January 2016. 


  • You may utilise your SkillsFuture Credit to offset the course fee payable after subsidy/funding.



Target Audiences:

English speaking Singaporeans and PRs who aspire to be a hawker.

 Entry Requirements:

Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, 18 years old and above;
Minimum Secondary Education or Workplace Literacy and Numeracy [WPLN score: Level 4 for Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing and Numeracy]
All applications will be evaluated to determine their suitablity for admission into our relevant level of programmes. This is subjected to submission of the required supporting documents and the minimum enrolment to start a class.

Please note that our kitchens are designed to accommodate 24 Trainees with 3 Trainees sharing one work-station. With relaxation of Covid measures, we have reverted to conducting classes at full capacity of 24 pax. 请注意本学院的厨房可容纳 24 名学员。其中 3 名学员共用一个工作站。随着 Covid-19 措施的放松,本学院已恢复为 24 名学员上课。


  • Strictly no refund allowed. 严禁退费
  • Only on very exceptional cases and with valid reason* (subject to management approval), we will refund 75% of paid course fee for class withdrawal. Notice must be given at least 14 calendar days before class starts. An Appeal Form must be submitted. 只有特殊案例附加合理原因*(需管理层批准),学院才会退75%的学费。学员们必须在课程日期前14天给予学院书面通知及申请表格。


Period of Withdrawal^

Refund Policy (Effective 1 Dec 2023)

Withdrawal 14 days or more before course starts.

100% refund of paid fees

- include course fees and exam / assessment fees (if applicable)

- insurance / application fee (if applicable) is not refundable

Withdraw from course less than 14 days before course starts.

50% refund of paid fees with valid reasons*

- include course fees and exam / assessment fees (if applicable)

- insurance / application fee (if applicable) is not refundable

Withdrawal on or after course starts.

No refund of paid fees

– include course fees and supplementary / application fees (if applicable)

^The date of withdrawal will be based on the date the request for withdrawal is lodged by the trainee.

* Valid reasons (supporting documents required) are 合理原因包括:

  1. Medical 病假
  2. Reservist 服兵役
  3. Court Appearance 出庭
  4. Bereavement of immediate family (parents, in-laws, siblings, spouse & children) 至亲逝世 (父母,岳父岳母,兄弟姐妹,配偶,子女)

With valid reason (documentary proof required) for less than 75% attendance, trainee can be transferred to the next run, subject to availability of seats at ACI's discretion. This request must be submitted within 5 working days from the missed class date, after which paid course fee will be forfeited. Transfer to the next class is only valid for 4 months or until 1 Feb, whichever is earlier, after which, the paid fee will be forfeited.

If trainee missed Day 1 of class, they will not be allowed to attend remaining sessions (applicable for short courses only). 

Trainee will not be allowed to continue with the course once there is no valid reason for absenteeism, at any point during the course. Paid fees will be forfeited.

NB: To enjoy SkillsFuture funding, trainees must achieve 75% attendance and be rated Competent in assessment.